Other Services
At UFCW Local 248P, our website at www.ufcw248p.ca is an important communication tool. Housed on our website is information for our members related to these concerns:
Our organization
Collective Bargaining Agreements
Education and Scholarships
Our President’s Message
Articles on labour news items affecting our membership
In addition to our website, information for the membership is posted on bulletin boards in the workplace.
Union training courses organized by UFCW Local 248P, such as steward’s’ schools, or educational courses offered by Labour Councils, the Federation of Labour, the Canadian Labour Congress or by other Local Unions, are regularly scheduled to provide our activists with the necessary training to carry out their duties.
Training courses are organized on issues such as collective bargaining, arbitration, steward’s roles, job evaluation, health and safety, women’s issues, etc.
Furthermore, our UFCW National Office provides a free webCampus, “The Freedom to Learn” offering classes from basic computer skills to job-specific skills to all members and their families – absolutely free. WebCampus is produced in partnership with Mohawk Community College and can be used to earn college credits as courses are completed.
UFCW is a firm believer in providing educational opportunities and scholarships to our members and their families.
UFCW International Union awards Union scholarships to recognize UFCW members and their dependents. As part of the Union scholarship program, the UFCW International awards several scholarships of up to $8,000 each to UFCW members or their unmarried dependents to cover post-secondary tuition fees over a period of four years.
Each year, UFCW Canada offers 18 annual Beggs-Dowling-Mathieu Union Scholarships of $1,000 each to active members and their family members for post-secondary study. If you are a UFCW Canada member in good standing, and the student is attending full-time studies at a Canadian university, college, or other recognized post-secondary institution. Five of these scholarships are awarded in the Western Provinces.
Yearly, UFCW Saskatchewan Provincial Council offers a scholarship of $1000 to active members and their family members.